Friday, October 3, 2014

Lesson 25


Objective:  To help our family be more grateful for the blessings in our lives.

Lesson ideas:
* Jesus taught us to show our thanks and gratitude for our blessings.
* Story of the ten lepers is one of the most powerful stories of expressing gratitude. (Luke 17: 11-19)
* We can show gratitude for are our parents, family, teachers, spouse, children, friends, food, clothing, and country.
       Thank God: In your prayers thank him for his church, his goodness to you, friends, loved ones, strong mind and body, land of freedom, advances in communication, ease of travel, education, even the struggles you have because it makes you strong.
* When we show gratitude it leaves good feelings.
* Gratitude can resolve disputes, strengthen friendship and make us better men and women.
        Discussion on how friendships can be strengthened through gratitude.
* Work on having a grateful heart.
* Noah and Lehi showed gratitude (Gen.8:20 built an alter)(1 Nephi 5:9 gave thanks unto God).
* The “Christmas Carol” story shows a very selfish man, Ebenezer Scrooge, change to a generous, grateful person.
* Can anyone share an example of someone showing gratitude and how it make you feel?
* Story:  President Hinckley’s father told about two boys who found a pair of shoes and a coat on the roadside.  The owner was working in the fields.  The boy’s first thoughts were to hide the shoes but the older boy thought that would not be so good and suggested to put a silver dollar in each shoe.  The man returned to his belongings and discovered the coins and offered up a prayer of gratitude.  The boys noticed and they also had a good feeling.  Page 17-18 in “Way To Be”

Luke 17:11-19 ten lepers
Leviticus 7:12 If he offered it for thanksgiving
Colossians 2:7 abounding with thanksgiving

LDS Scriptures
Alma 34:38 live in thanksgiving daily
D&C 46:7 with prayer and thanksgiving
3 Nephi 10:10 mourning turned to joy

* Have an appreciation night.  Show the children how much you love them by playing their favorite game with them or giving them a piggy back ride.  For parents, the children can make a card or give a great big kiss. (Even a Valentine)
* Make a list of some of the things you appreciate about each member of the family and then have someone read.
* Think of as many things you are thankful for. (Putting things in categories is helpful like; inside or outside, at church or school, people or animals.)
* Play hospital or school and show appreciation to the nurses or teachers for their help.
* Using the “Bee Grateful” as a theme.  You could challenge everyone to fill up an empty honey jar with paper bees.  You get to put a bee in the jar every time you did something to show gratitude.  It could be just a simple thank you or something bigger like a note or letter expressing thanks.  When the family filled the jar with the paper bees you can have a reward party for everyone.
* Make a thank you card.
1.  List ways we can say thank you.
2.  Who might we thank? (All who do favors or assist you in any way)
* Come up with words out of thankful and gratitude
* Who can find a scripture with the word thankful or gratitude?
* Pretend to put on shirt and pants, pretend to build a home, pretend to eat a nice dinner.  All of which we are grateful for.
* Pretend to weed, rake or plant or make bed, dust, vacuum, or set table to show ways of saying thank you.
* Keeping a journal is a good way to keep track of the things we are grateful for daily.
* Have a prayer each day that expresses thanks.
* Appreciation of country, community, and public servants:  Have a parade and make floats.
* Play the “Name on Back Game”.  This time use words that we are thankful for like;  parents, food, trees, sky, sun, church, freedom etc.
Name on Back Game:  Put a name on everyone’s back and have the people try and figure out who  or what they have on their back by asking yes or no questions. The names could be people from the scriptures or things from the creation.

#278 Thanks for the Sabbath School
#219 Because I Have Been Given Much
#241 Count Your Blessings

Children’s Songbook
# 21a For Health and Strength
# 20 Thanks to Our Father
#21b For thy Bounteous Blessing

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